Quilt Batting

You’ve picked your fabrics, you’ve made your top, now you’re ready to make your quilt sandwich and get to quilting. But you need to decide what that fluffy middle part of your quilt sandwich is going to be; you need to think about your quilt batting. Your quilt will behave differently depending on what batting you choose.

What is quilt batting?

Quilt batting, often just referred to as batting, is a layer of material placed between the quilt top and your backing fabric. It comes in various fibers and lofts (or thicknesses), allowing you to customize your quilt according to your preferences and the quilt’s end use. 

What’s in batting?


Cotton batting is the most popular batting among quilters. It’s very easy to quilt by hand or machine. It also launders well and is easy to clean. 100% cotton battings are low loft, or not thick or poofy.


Known for its resilience and ability to retain its loft over time, polyester batting typically has a higher loft or thickness compared to natural fiber battings. It’s still very easy to quilt by hand and machine and is resistant to shrinking or stretching. Poly batting also tends to be the most cost effective option.


Wool batting is more expensive than other battings, but it makes the most lovely quilts. Contrary to popular belief, wool batting is lightweight and creates quilts with a beautiful drape. It is a great insulator for your quilts, but because it’s a natural fiber, it’s very breathable and works for lightweight summer quilts as well. It also launders easily, but we recommend not drying your quilts with a wool batt fully in the dryer.

Specialty Fibers and Blends

Cotton, polyester, and wool make up the majority of quilt battings you can find. However, you can also find battings made with silk or  bamboo. Generally, these fibers are less stable so they’re mixed with one of the others to give the best properties of both.

Our Top Picks for Batting

Quilter’s Dream

We are huge fans of Quilter’s Dream batting. We carry it in all sizes of cotton, polyester, and wool. It’s our go-to for every project.

Warm and Natural

Warm and Natural battings contain contain that has never been washed or bleached, so it’s kinder to the environment and to your batting. 

Bosal Foam Batting

Foam batting is great for all sorts of craft and home dec projects. It comes in a variety of thicknesses and sizes, so you can find just the right one for your bags, purses, and other 3-D projects.

We always have everything you need for your quilts. You can find the best batting at Bits ‘n Pieces!

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BattingLongarm quiltingQuilt battingTips and tricks